Play video files directly on the CLO-SET Viewer and upload video clips as attachment.
1) Requirements
- Compatible File Format: MP4, MKV, MOV, AVI, FLV, MPEG-2 TS, MPEG-2 PS, MXF, LXF, GXF, 3GP, WebM, MPG, and QuickTime.
- Maximum file size up to 200MB.
2) How to
- Upload a Video file in your Workroom
- On the Content page, click on the 'Play' button (▶) to start playing the clip
- Clicking on the viewer again will pause the clip. Manage volume and settings the bottom.
- Viewer Selector Thumbnail: First frame of the uploaded video file
- Content Info Thumbnail: Expand the Content Info tab to change the Thumbnail to be displayed on Workroom View
Video Viewer Settings
- Play/Pause
- Volume
- Quality
- Speed
- Picture-in-picture mode
- Full Screen
- Attachment: Attach a video file to the uploaded Content. Same requirements apply for file compatibility.