Upload your files to CLO-SET to start collaborating.
- Upload in Workroom or Company Library
- Drag & Drop to Upload
- Direct Upload from CLO3D
- Content Type & ID
- Troubleshooting
1) Upload in Workroom
1. To upload Content(s), go to the Workroom or Company Library.
*Uploading can only be done in Workroom or Company Library.
2. Click '+ NEW' button at the top left corner. Select upload option from the drop-down list.
Create New Workroom
Create a child-workroom (a sub-folder within your Workroom)
Upload File(s)
- Upload single or multiple files to your Workroom/Company Library. Find the list of supported file formats in CLO-SET 3D Viewer. You can upload other file types, but may not be able to preview the file in 3D Viewer.
- Select the file(s) to upload, and confirm the list and options. Click 'Upload'
- You may exit the Workroom page once the uploading task is initiated. You may NOT cancel the upload once you see the upload progress bar at the top-right corner.
Upload Turntable Images
- Select the Content Type. Which Content Type is the original file of this turntable image?
- Select the list of files, and enter Colorway Name
- Once uploaded, review the file in Turntable format per Colorway.
Create Blank Content
- Create a 'Blank Content', or a placeholder for your team to upload specific files.
- Select the Content Type of the file to be uploaded.
2) Drag & Drop to Upload
- Drag & Drop File(s) to the Workroom to upload.
- Can ONLY upload to the Workroom you are in. To upload the files into the Child Workroom, please first enter the Child Workroom.
- Upload options (Do not notify collaborators, Auto-Naming) will follow your last saved option. Default setting is 'Off'.
3) Direct Upload from CLO3D
4) Content Type & ID
- Learn the classification of Content Types and the naming convention of Content ID in CLO-SET.
5) Troubleshooting
- Please check your permission. Users without upload permission will NOT be able to use the drag & drop upload feature.
- Permissions: Admin, Collaborator, Editor, Viewer (enable upload) can upload files.
- If ANY of your file names include special characters, please remove them.
- If ANY of your file size exceeds 1GB, uploading is not possible.
*If any of your files include unsupported special characters or exceed the file size limit, upload action will be cancelled.
- For further issues, please submit a ticket with the Workroom URL.