※ Required & Recommended: The list of requirements and recommendations when modeling the Avatar.
- The avatar file format must be *avt.
- All meshes are created in a Y(up) environment.
- Avatar with Joint uses the FBX or OPENCOLLADA format.
- Normal direction of the mesh mush face outward.
- The avatar file must be applied with underwear texture(MV2/FV2).
(Mannequin avatars or solid color avatars do not need underwear texture.)
- Since the Vertex that are not weld in the same location cannot use the Flatten function, it is recommended to Weld the Vertex in the same location.
- When creating shoes zacs file or hair *avt or *avte file, it must be created and stored separately, and the *avt or *avte file must not contain Mesh of hair or shoes.
- Scan data is allowed but it is recommended to use the Mesh that are editable by the users.
- The number of MESHs can affect the CLO speed rate, therefore, Avatar is created with minimum number of Mesh. (Avatar is recommended to be created with approximately 70,000 triangles)
- Unless AVATAR's body shape is intentionally modeled as a left-to-right asymmetric body, it is recommended that the MESH and Joint of the avatar to be symmetrically constructed.
- It is recommended that UVs are unwrapped to avoid overlapping.
- If the navel is expressed in Mesh, the depth of the navel should not be too deep because the pattern can dig inside the navel.
In the Description field, the following information of the product must be provided.
- Size
- JOINTS status
- Compatibility of the basic avatar ASSETS file
- UV MAP unwrapping status
- Magic Suit application status
- Symmetrical status
To easily fit the AVATAR with the garment, you need a T-POSE or A-POSE AVATAR, and an AVATAR with your arms down to see the proper fit of the costumes.
Therefore, AVATAR sellers should prepare ATTENTION POSE AVATAR or T-POSE's or A-POSE's AVATAR.
+If AVATAR's body shape is not intentionally modeled as a left and right asymmetric body type, it is recommended to model the avatar as a left and right symmetric.
2. Recommended file format for AVATAR production
CLO is compatible with various 3D files such as OBJ, DAE, FBX, and GLTF, but for AVATAR, FBX FILE is recommended.
when you export FBX FILE from another 3D SOFTWARE, please check the options so that the AVATAR MAP can be applied automatically in CLO.
3. Functional actions required for AVATAR in CLO
To dress AVATAR in costumes, CLO works on a process called, 'batch'.
To do this 'batch' operation, you need to add the function of the CLO called BOUNDING VOLUME and ARRANGEMENT POINT to AVATAR.
When you open FBX or OBJ FILE in the CLO, you can automatically create the default BOUNDING VOLUME and ARRANGEMENT POINT of the CLO in the AVATAR.
Since automatically generated BOUNDING VOLUME and ARRANGEMENT POINT are designed to be applied directly to T-POSE or A-POSE, ATTENTION POSE AVATAR must be modified separately.
(*You need to check if BOUNDING VOLUME is successfully applied to AVATAR of T-POSE or A-POSE.)
3-2. Select FILE > IMPORT > Select FBX file from main menu and click OPEN
▶Load Type. Select Open.
▶Scale. Set the SCALE in units of Avatar.
3-3. Avatar Open
If the file in 3-2 is A-POSE or T-POSE file, AVATAR is opened immediately.
If the file in 3-2 is ATTENTION POSE file, the information window below will be displayed and AVATAR will be opened when the OK button is pressed.
4. ATTENTION POSE AVATAR - Creating BOUNDING VOLUME & Modifying Location
The position of the BOUNDING VOLUME of ATTENTION POSE AVATAR must be in place to properly dress the AVATAR.
(*You need to check if BOUNDING VOLUME is applied to AVATAR of T-POSE or A-POSE.)
Turn on the BOUNDING VOLUME viewer to make sure that the BOUNDING VOLUMES are in place, and refer to the BOUNDING VOLUMES applied to the basic AVATAR of the CLO to properly place the BOUNDING VOLUMES.
- Mouse over the AVATAR DISPLAY in the center of the vertical icons in the CLO 3D window.
- Click the SHOW BOUNDING VOLUMES icon, which is the third of the expanded icons.
- Check automatically generated BOUNDING VOLUMES.
★ The light green cylinders are BOUNDING VOLUME.
4-2. BOUNDING VOLUMES information
The basic BOUNDING VOLUME consists of 17 items.
Head - 2 items
Neck - 2 items
Shoulder - 1 item on each side
Arm - 1 item on each side
Wrist - 1 item on each side
Body - 2 items
Legs - 2 BOUNDING VOLUME covering the entire leg / 1 BOUNDING VOLUME covering each leg
Ankle - 1 item on each side
★If you look at the basic AVATAR of CLO from the front and the side, you can see that the AVATAR is located in the center of the BOUNDING VOLUME. Therefore, modify the position of the BOUNDING VOLUME so that the AVATAR is centered.
If the BOUNDING VOLUME is located at a different location from the BOUNDING VOLUMES of the CLO Basic AVATAR, adjust the location with Gizmo.
To easily move the BOUNDING VOLUME, right-click in the background of the 3D window > Select Gizmo > Select Local Coordinate to relocate the position of the BOUNDING VOLUME.
★ In CLO, press the number 2 on the keyboard to view the front and press the number 4 and 6 on the keyboard to view the sides.
Please check if AVATAR is placed at the center of the BOUNDING VOLUME by using a shortcut.
If the cylinder is smaller or larger than the BOUNDING VOLUMES of the CLO Basic AVATAR, you can modify the size of the BOUNDING VOLUMES from the AVATAR EDITOR.
- From the main menu, click AVATAR > select AVATAR EDITOR to open AVATAR EDITOR.
- Click BOUNDING VOLUME that you want to modify in the 3D window and change the HEIGHT / LENGTH X / LENGTHY value of AVATAR EDITOR.
Set Fitting Suit on your avatar. By dressing stored fitting suit on an avatar, you can easily dress other avatars using the Auto Fitting feature.
5-1. Creating FITTING SUIT
- Select the Create Fitting Suit tool from the main menu.
- Create a Fitting Suit Reference Line by pointing three dots over the avatar at the position displayed in the pop-up window (If set to symmetric, make sure to create lines on the left side of the screen and on the right side of the avatar).
- Create all reference lines in order, then click the Apply button.
- Check the fitting suit's fit condition.
5-2. SYMMETRY Settings
- In the Symmetry menu at the top of the pop-up window, you can choose whether to set the Fitting Suit Reference Line symmetrically or separately.
- By default, the Symmetry menu is checked..
- If you do not want to set symmetry, cancel the check.
- When the Symmetry setting is revoked, set the reference lines left and right separately according to the guide.
5-3. FITTING SUIT Modification
- If there are any areas you want to modify, select them from the list in the pop-up window, press the Delete key on the keyboard, or right-click to select the Delete menu, and create them again.
- Press Reset to delete all reference lines so that they can be created from scratch.
- After you press the Apply button to simulate it, you can press it again to simulate it. (Pinch the simulation Fitting Suit to guide it to the desired silhouette.
5-4. Save
- When fitting suit fitting is complete, select the Save button at the bottom of the pop-up window
- Select the desired location and save to save the *avt or *avte file.
5-5. Checking FITTING SUIT Application
- Open the avatar you saved including Fitting Suit information.
- Library window > Garment to open the base costume from the
- Press the Auto Grading button in the 2D window to dress the avatar.
- If the outfit is properly dressed for the avatar, you can confirm that Fitting Suit information is stored well in the avatar.
After checking FITTING SUIT setting, load the attached pattern file and check if there are any problems when placing it as ARRANGEMENT POINT.
(*T-POSE or A-POSE of AVATAR also needs to be verified.)
6-1. Click Here to download the PATTERN for verification.
Use ARRANGEMENT POINTS when placing patterns on the avatar.
ARRANGEMENT POINTS are points created based on BOUNDING VOLUMES.
- Mouseover the AVATAR DISPLAY in the center of the vertical icons in the CLO 3D window.
- Click and drag the SHOW BOUNDING VOLUMES icon, which is the third of the expanded icons.
- Click the SHOW ARRANGEMENT POINTS icon, which is the second of the expanded icons.
6-3. From the main menu, click FILE > OPEN > GARMENT to select the Pattern downloaded from 6-1 and click Open.
6-4. Click the pattern and click the ARRANGEMENT POINT to place the pattern and proceed with the ARRANGEMENT POINT test.
▶Example of well-placed Avatar
▶Example of misplaced Avatar
Not a good batch if the pattern is completely out of AVATAR (part of a circle)
7. Save in AVT, AVTE format
AVT or AVTE format stores all information related to AVATAR such as MODEL, BOUNDING VOLUME, ARRANGEMENT POINT, etc. in CLO.
When saving in *.AVT, *.AVTE format, create the file name same as the product name to be registered in MARKETPLACE.
7-1. In the main menu, click FILE > SAVE AS > AVATAR.
7-2. Select a location to save, enter the name of the product you want to sell, and click SAVE to save the *.AVT, *AVTE file.