Required & Recommended
The accessory file must be created in FBX format in order to be registered in the ZACS file.
The normal direction of the mesh must be outward.
The name of the Hair Mesh must be "Hair," case-insensitive.
The Hair FBX should not include anything other than “Hair.” (e.g only select and export Hair Mesh when exporting.)
If you import the Hair FBX with 'Auto Scale' unit, the position and scale of the Hair Mesh must match the avatar you intend to register.
You must specify the name of the avatar that is used to create the accessory file in the description.
- The number of polygons can affect the performance of CLO, so it is recommended to use as few polygons as possible when modeling the shape. (maximum of 200,000 tris is recommended)
- Meshes that have the same normal direction in the same location can cause artifacts such as overlap or flicker during CPU rendering, so create meshes that do not overlap each other.
- Textures recommends using a maximum of 2048 pixels.
- It is recommended to keep your hair length above shoulder level. (For long hair, using the "Deactivate Avatar" is necessary.)
- To use CLO's 'Material Type' feature to express the material of accessories, you need to use a separate 3D program to separate the material and apply it to the mesh intended for the 'Material Type.'
- Create a Thumbnail image that shows the item well and it is recommended to be 400*300 pixels.
- To avoid abnormal collision between garments and Hair during simulation, it is recommended to create a transparent Dummy Mesh that covers the entire hair.
- Modifying content provided by other platforms may violate copyrights and result in the removal of the item.
[Product Preparation - How to create an Avatar OBJ file]
After removing accessories such as hair, shoes, and other accessories that are applied to the default avatar, create an AVATAR OBJ that can be used to make accessories in other 3D programs.
If you already have an Avatar file, you can skip this section.
1. Open CLO S/W
2. Exporting Avatar OBJ
Generate an avatar OBJ file that can be used to create accessories in other 3D programs.
2.1 It is recommended to open the AVT file of the avatar when creating accessory files.
(For CLO avatars, it is recommended to use Mara and Thomas.)
2.2 File > Export > OBJ
▶ Object: Check Select All Avatars
▶ Basic > Scale : cm(DAZ Studio)
2.3 Click OK to save the avatar as an OBJ file.
2.4. File > Save As > Avatar to save as AVT file.
*The AVT file saved will be used when registering the ZACS file.
3. Creating Accessory FBX
Use the previously created Avatar OBJ file to create the Hair Accessory file in another 3D program.
[Product Preparation - How to create ZACS file]
1. Open CLO S/W
2. Opening AVT file
Open the AVT to register the ZACS file.
2.1. Click File > Open > Avatar in the main menu.
2.2. Select the AVT file and click Open.
3. Checking the position and scale of Accessory files
Add the Hair FBX file and check its position and scale.
3.1. Click File > Import > FBX from the main menu, and then click Open (O).
3.2. Select the Hair FBX file, click Add, and then click OK.
3.3 In the Import FBX window, change the Load Type to Add and click OK.
* Make sure to check if the Scale Unit is set to Auto Scale.
3.4 Check the position and scale of the accessory.
3.5 Right-click on the Hair Mesh, click Delete Avatar to remove the mesh.
4. Creating ZACS
4.1 Click on Main Menu > Avatar > Register Accessory
▶ AccessoryType: Hair
▶ File Path: Choose Hair FBX file > Open
▶ Use Custom Image: Register Thumbnail image
* *If you have a thumbnail image, check Use Custom Image, and click + to open the Thumbnail image.
*If you don't have a Thumbnail image to use, you may not need to check it.
4.3 Click Create > name the Zacs File and specify the directory location > Save (S)
5. Opening ZACS
Open the ZACS file in CLO.
5.1. Click File > Open > Accessory.
5.2. Select the created ZACS file.
5.3. Click Open (O).
6. Applying Textures to ZACS Files
Apply textures and materials such as Texture (Base Color), Normal Map, Color, Opacity Map, and Metalness Map to Hair ZACS files.
6.1. Click on the Hair ZACS file in the 3D Window.
6.2. Apply textures and materials in the Property Editor.
7. Saving ZACS
Save the Hair ZACS file with all textures and materials applied.
7.1 .File > Save As > Accessory
7.2 After specifying the file name and directory path, click Save (S).
7.3. Save Accessory
▶ Select Accessory : Hair
▶ Use Custom Image : Register Thumbnail image.
*If you have a thumbnail image, check Use Custom Image, and click + to open the Thumbnail image.
*If you don't have a Thumbnail image to use, you may not need to check it.
7.4. Click OK.