CLO-SET Web Tech Pack integrates your everyday tech pack with 3D Contents. Let us bring all the data from your 3D file into an auto-generated Tech Pack. Enjoy a tech pack that is always up-to-date. |
On the BOM tab, you can add/edit subsidiary materials and estimated cost critical for production.
You may view the BOM data per Colorway, Grade, and Content Version
- Colorway - You may create new Colorway from CLO/MD software
- Grade - You may create new Grades in CLO3D software
- Version - When you upload a new version of the Content on CLO-SET, you can choose to update WTP information accordingly.
- [Important] Information is managed and updated per Colorway-Grade combination, for all files uploaded from November 5th, 2024. For other files uploaded prior to this date, please re-upload.
2) Edit Material Detail
- Non-Editable: Content ID (if uploaded on CLO-SET) / Name / Color / Texture / Marker are extracted from your zprj/zpac file.
- Editable: Consumption / Unit Price / Total Price / Remark can be edited on WTP. This information will also be reflected on WTP - Cost Estimation tab
- Material information may be added/edited/deleted per Colorway/Grading/Version per your selection.
3) Add Material Item
If needed, add Fabric and Trim materials by clicking the + button on your right.
- Contents added directly from CLO-SET will be marked with a blue 'CLO-SET' icon next to the 'Name' as shown below.
- Please note that the Content Type must match the type of material you want to add. For example, to add a material under Fabric, the uploaded file must be in zfab format and identified as Fabric Content Type in CLO-SET.
- User must have 'Editor' or above permission to the Workroom to which the original Content (to be added as Material) is saved.
- When adding a material from CLO-SET, it will load the latest version that matches the file format.
- Version updates on the Trim files will NOT be reflected to the WTP automatically. If needed, please delete the old material and add it again.
- If the Trim file is deleted in CLO-SET, the BOM table will mark the material as 'deleted'.
*Content Type can be selected upon upload. You can not change/edit the Type after the upload.
WTP Section / Subsection | Content Type | File Format |
Fabric | Fabric | zfab |
Trim / Graphic | Graphic | jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, raw, psd, ai, tif, tiff, svg |
Trim / Button Head | Button Head | btn |
Trim / Button Hole | Button Hole | bth |
Trim / Zipper | Zipper | zpl, zpu, zsd, zsl, zst, zss, zsp |
Trim / Thread | Top Stitch / Thread | sst |
Trim / Top Stitch | Top Stitch / Thread | sst |
Trim / Others | Etc | trm |
4) Add/Delete Row
You may delete/add rows on the BOM table. Right-click on the Row to either delete it or add new above/below the selected row.
5) WTP Version Update
- When you upload a new version of the Style Content, you have an option to update the WTP
- If you upload a file format other than .zprj/.zpac as a new version to a Style Content Type,
- New WTP information will be reflected on BOM / Construction / Measurement / Cost Estimation.
- Once you click 'UPDATE', the Style information in Web Tech Pack will be updated.
- If you accidentally press the 'CANCEL' button, you must re-upload the same file. Cancelling cannot be undone.
- What does an 'update' mean in Web Tech Pack?
- If new materials were added to the project file, the new materials will be added to the BOM
- If the existing materials have been updated from the software, the updates will be reflected to the new version of the Web Tech Pack
- If you have deleted any material on the previous versions of the Web Tech Pack, the new version will EXCLUDE the deleted materials, even if it is included on the new project file uploaded.
- Version updates on the Trim files registered on the BOM is NOT reflected automatically
- Editing the Web Tech Pack information manually can only be done on the latest WTP version
- Once you update the Web Tech Pack version, deleting the new version file from the Content Page will NOT delete the corresponding WTP version. You will be able to review the data, but the WTP will be marked as 'deleted'.